Monday, December 31, 2007

"Henry V"--Sir Larry Olivier fires up the Away Team

This is the first clip of a film from 1944 dramatizing what is the to me the greatest "halftime" speech in English literature. When this film came out, the tide of the worst war in human history was starting to turn for the Allies, but there was a lot to finish. It was a different sort of war Olivier was creating in the fields of Ireland--where this scene was shot--but everyone in America and the UK who saw this when it came out knew who the real enemy was. Contrast this performance--calm, resolute, steady as befits a nation reluctant to go to war but now fixed to finish it--with the subtle hard-edged almost anxious tone that is conveyed in the clip from Kenneth Branagh's 1989 film and its echos of more unjust incursions by Western Powers like the Suez Crisis and especially Vietnam.

Which do you prefer?


  1. I preferred the newer version of the speech. Now here is a half time speech from a football movie. I think you will enjoy it. There is a foul word or two used.

  2. Al Pacino is just outstanding in that scene, isn't he? Excellent writing. And Oliver Stone directed that so well--especially seeing it from the perspective of Jamie Foxx,the quarterback. It's a wonderful contemporary link to the "Henry V" speech!

  3. I thought it was fitting addition to the discussion. I think it has a lot to do with the camera angles and clarity of the film. Sir Lawrence was excellent in his day and he did will in the forum. Movie technology has become so advanced over the last several years. Budgets have gotten bigger and sets have become grander. I realize bigger is not always better but it does cover some of the sins.

  4. I love this and shall steal it if I can for my own page.

    I also like like the Kenneth Branagh version. I have both at home, and I'm not past quoting from it to my long suffering friends.

