Monday, December 31, 2007

Halftime at Agincourt, October, 1415 AD

"I hate war", let me say first off, as the great President Franklin Roosevelt said in 1940, a year before his hand was forced to send men overseas to die. But if war is inevitable, or if the war of daily life sometimes gets to be too much and the day ahead looks bleak, remember this little "git 'er done" speech written by William Shakespeare in 1599 as a way to mark the biggest upset in pre-football Europe. Were that the English and the French were playing "soccer" or tossing the old pigskin that muddy, bloody day when the Welsh longbow beat back the proud and armored nobility of France.

This is the speech you want to hear if there's nothing for it and your backs to the wall. It's from "Henry V", Kenneth Branagh's first film and the one so far it looks as if he's likely to be remembered for.


  1. It was inspirational and motivational

  2. You said it. If I had to maybe die in battle, I at least want a send-off like that!
