Thursday, June 28, 2012

History Made! Obama Individual Health Care Mandate Upheld by Supreme Court!

A major Constitutional victory on the long path to Health Care Reform, the Affordable Health Care law, passed by both House of Congress and signed by the President, is now the law of the land.

(below) Here's a brief video of Democratic Party leaders, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, celebrating at the Capitol in Washington, DC.


  1. It certainly changed the election, that is for sure. After all two thirds of the people dislike it, remember 2010?

  2. Good to hear from you, Tess. You'll find a lot of the individual provisions in this law, including ones that keep older kids on their parents' health care and requiring health insurance companies not to drop people for pre-existing health conditions are in fact quite popular.

  3. I want to see video of Sarah Palin accusing the Russians of being behind this!

  4. Success.....for sure. I was thinking that maybe if it was struck down it would go again and medicare for all would be the next big thing on the agenda.....but good for Supreme Court this time they did the right thing.

  5. exactly, there are good things in this and very bad things, it is the very bad that is going to decide the election this year.

  6. I do not worry about it good or bad for myself, I do for the people that are going to be surprised when they are told they are not worth treatment because of of existing conditions by the IRS committee that will decide everyone's health, and if you read that page in the law you will be surprised.

  7. In case you wondered why Roberts did it - Obamacare favors his real constituency; that's all:

  8. Staty tuned Tinh. I'm sure that's coming.

  9. I'd like the Medicare expansion idea, Marty, but depending on the make-up of the next Congress it's hard to say. As someone else put it, this is a step in the right direction and the GOP is back on the balls of their feet. In other word(s),

  10. I'm sorry but I just don't buy the "death panels" business, Tess, or any kind of thing involving the IRS making decisions on health care. It is not going to happen. There migth be tax pentalties (not jail, not death) for those people who choose not to get health care coverage but that will be as far as it goes.

  11. Well, it's true single-payer would be a better system, Astra, but it wasn't workable. I'm not against a more European l solution per se but it is not doable in the USA. What is doable is something like they have in Switzerland now and for better or worse that's where I believe we are heading (in most states like Oregon, anyway).

    The November elections are not going to be settle on this issue either so I don't believe Obama has bounced himself out of office in late June.

  12. Success perhaps Doug, but success at what?

  13. Not as much "success" as there could have been, AA, as a supporter for the single-payer system. But this brief editorial lays out the progress that was made:

    "Many of the people who will be helped already know exactly how: They have pre-existing medical conditions and can't get insurance. Or they have a desperately sick child, have blown through their insurance policy's lifetime limit and now have enormous bills they can't pay. Or they've fallen seriously ill, only to have their insurance company cancel their coverage on a technicality.
    "Under the law known as ObamaCare, those perverse, destructive practices will end — and the U.S. will at last begin to catch up to every other modern industrial nation that has found a way to guarantee medical coverage to virtually all of its citizens."

    The accent here is on progress. And I'm pleased with that.

  14. Ok fair enough Doug, thanks for the explanation
