Please follow the link above to a six-minute TED conference speech by Nick Hanauer, a successful businessman who started three businesses and is major-shareholder at Amazon. He talks straight about the economics of job creation and why multi-millionaires who tell you they create jobs for thrrest of us aren't giving you the full story.
My thanks to my friend Marty for the original post.
thanks Doug absolutely a great video
ReplyDeleteMike and Heidi: Just happy to spread the link.
ReplyDeleteIf more capitalists listen to his message Doug, this world would be a better place to live. And what he said is so true....they cant buy 30,000 cars or anything else...but the people if they have money can and that drives the profits up for those owners of these companies....such a practical way of life....why is it the very rich cant see it and do it.
ReplyDeleteI believe more rich people will listen, Marty, if people empower themselves to vote, consume and act as if the USA is not a creation of a fringe bunch of capital-holders but a nation ALL our mothers and forefathers built and fought for.
ReplyDeleteI saw some research on the conservative mind. It didn't say they were stupid, but it did show they don't have open minds like liberals. They didn't even want to answer survey questions, but the liberals were curious. So, what does that say?
ReplyDeletethat they are stupid and probably wouldnt know the
ReplyDeleteIt's a tremendous link there of Marty's - I am a member within that blog group. Mind you, as time allows.
ReplyDeleteShe (Marty) does have a thoughtful manner with her blog.
Marty, I like your style!
ReplyDeleteThanks Doug...this is something else indeed. It's logic. I think that's why they'll never get it. The people who voted them in 2010 won't get it either. It's hard to comprehend how some little guy with hardly a shirt on his back, will support the GOP... licking the hand that doesn't feed him & never will.
ReplyDeletei think a few of those on the right in 2010 who aren't invested in Fox News might get it, Lujica, but not enough in the Red States to make a difference.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed, Jack. I wanted to get this blog out as far as I could here.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
ReplyDeletethat is so true....they just dont understand the hand they vote for will never feed them....such stupidity is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteMarty, I think it's both stupidity & ignorance...a lot of that going around lately. Truth be told, it scares me.
ReplyDeleteScares me too, just the thought that maybe this race for president will go to those that dont give a shit about anyone but the rich, what will happen to this country if another Bush era hits us?
ReplyDeleteFor many of us, our attention span doesn't last beyond 4 years. Many have already forgotten the kind of Kool Aids that Bush fed them in order to get into the White House. They think life is a TV in which they can flip from one channel to another every 4 years and will vote for Romney.
ReplyDeleteWe're just about as far down on our knees as we can get. All we need is a tiny shove.
ReplyDelete....& whether President Obama gets the majority vote or not, the Supreme Court will see that Romney wins....
ReplyDeleteOh please...lets hope not....its got to be Obama for 2012 or we will all be screwed left right and center.
ReplyDeleteThat's how we got Bush. Romney has made his intentions clear. There's no room for the rest of us...NONE.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid you're right Tinh.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope enough people get Obama over the top so they can't send it to the House or the five trogs on The Supremes.