The path of justice moved just a bit upward today in America.
Although it is only legal in a handful of states (and none of them the important swing-states like Florida and Virginia), President Obama told Robin Roberts of ABC News he now supports the rights of same-sex couples to be married.
Meanwhile, Mitt Romney is silent on how to react to the President's remarks. No doubt he will have to huddle for a time with his handlers to figure out the best way to strike out at this plea for tolerance without appearing to be the total panderer to tea-party far-right policies he had to be for securing the Republican nomination from tea party and priggish activists.
No state in the Union has voted in public referendum to permit gay and lesbian couples to marry, not even in California where there was heavy out-of-state monetary opposition to the issue in the Proposition 8 Amendment battle last year. Much of the opposition came from the Latter-Day-Saints Church that Mitt Romney belongs. I do not happen to believe this election in November will be decided mainly or perhaps in major part on marriage equality, I do feel Obama should be given credit here since a lot of his support even in the African American community is divided on the issue. A political Rubicon has been crossed here and it should be noted and Obama given credit for standing with a minority for the sake of the spirit of equal rights for all citizens.
Bravo Mr. President.
For more on this, see the link below:
Too bad it it political. The majority of people think there are more important things to discuss. I do not care if anyone want to get married, I think there is altogether too much discussion about non hetro partners, it not our job to judge
ReplyDeleteI see what you mean Tess. I'm afraid it's all going to be political and has been for awhile.
ReplyDeleteI think its great he spoke how he feels about Gay's. He said how he personally feels and not how the country feels...or that it should be a mandate like in his Insurance Bill. Everyone has their own opinions on everything, and he was stating his. Go President OBAMA!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, I think he stands where a lot of people want him to stand, Marty. At least those who disagree with Gay marriage will have to respect him, or being with the ugly far-right minority who will just go on hating anything Obama says or does.
ReplyDeleteI think no matter what our president ever stands for will go big with the extremists out there. The radical right is sooo extreme about everything, is just plain ugly. Its about LOVE and no matter who you love its still LOVE. Even if you dont agree with the majority of Americans about this, you have to be tolerant and understand where their hearts are, not be a bigot or racist about it...let the heart go wherever it needs to, no matter what gender it attaches itself to.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Doug, thank you for this. I saw it was going to be on but I haven't got a TV. President Obama has given this so much thought, & decided on what is just, & constitutional. Bravo indeed.
ReplyDeleteMarty, I like you. I like the way you think & feel, "...let the heart go wherever it needs to, no matter what gender it attaches itself to."
Tess, there may be 'more important' things you'd like to discuss, but I don't think we ought to be so subjective. This is of monumental importance to homosexuals. It's also important to our country that our president respects their rights. I'd say that having to discuss it at all is the tragedy, representing the narrow minded, "ugly far-right minority"
Well said Marty. I think this is a logical modern outgrowth of what Jefferson in the Declaration of Independance declared citizens were entitled to: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Lucija.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lucija.....I have a gay nephew and I love him just as much now as I did when he was just a boy trying to figure out what life is all about. But some people put such a stigma on someone that is "different" or an "other" like they have about our president....its just such a shame this country is so damned divided on whats right and wrong with anything. I applaud our president to finally coming out and saying what he feels in his heart for every other heart.
ReplyDeleteHurrah! Love is love and people are people.
ReplyDeleteWell said Oakie.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed.
ReplyDeleteTess on my page says he is a flip flopper....well I dont think so...he has never been against the gays, he has always been for civil unions...but this is the 21st century after all and it should be the land of the free and a land for the pursuit of happiness whether it be with man/woman or any other combination. It took a lot of courage for our president to come out and affirm marriage between gays. You cant stifle love and love is what keeps this country on the right track..too bad the republicans dont know that.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Tess is going to say much positive about Obama. Her dedicated opposition for the 44th President from the right side of the American spectrum is an endearing quality she has. :-)
ReplyDeleteYeah she said she used to be a D but changed to I....why not just go all the way to the R side instead of posing in the middle road. I guess everyone has their own opinions Doug, it must be difficult for you...isnt you wife an R too?
ReplyDeleteShirley is a registered Republican who will be voting for Obama as far as I know.
ReplyDeleteIf Tess was a Democrat it was likely a bit of time back. That's just my guess. Anyway, I welcome any viewpoints here as long as nobody insults my regular contacts.
As I recall, President Obama made it clear that from a Christian point of view--marriage should be between a man & a woman, but his decision was not based on his religion & for that I admire him very much. He may lose some votes for this, but I doubt it. Those who would oppose the equality of gays are not likely to agree with any of his views.
ReplyDeleteGood. Leaders need to take the lead and be on the side of what is right and against discrimination.
ReplyDeleteI was glad to see Mr Obama take a stand on this. it shows he is willing to stand up for issues because they are right even though they might not be politically advantageous for his administration.I hope voters will view this as a distinct difference between Obama and Romney as far as honesty and leadership.
ReplyDeleteI think your analysis is correct, Dragon
ReplyDeleteMe too, Mike. I think it will....I hope it will.
ReplyDeleteI hear Obama and Romney were secretly betroathed during a gay Love-In at Bohemian Grove, I'm not sure if it's true Doug :-)
ReplyDeleteWill they wear white?
ReplyDeleteI'll try to keep tabs on this story as well, AA. :-)
ReplyDeleteIf anything breaks on cross-party nuptials, I will of course immediately post my choice of a wedding gift.
LOL...I suspect we all want to see that ,Iri Ani.
ReplyDeleteI think you, Doug, & others would want to see this: :
ReplyDeleteIt's true. I WAS THERE. I'll testify to that!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the eyewitness report Lucija. I hear it's tough to get tickets to those Bohemian Grove events. Did you go through Priceline or Travelocity? '-)
ReplyDeleteThat's an interesting article on a little-discussed part of Christian history. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI think of it as a good counter to "Christians" claim that homosexuality is a sin. Not that the people I speak of who claim to be Christians listen to anything but their own mouths.
ReplyDeleteObama 2012!
ReplyDeleteChristians to my mind shouldn't impose their beliefs on others, nor, as a Christian, do I claim a perogative to point a finger at other people's sins--- when I have my own to contend with.
ReplyDeleteIf "God is Love", then no honest love between two people can be wrong.
Good to be on the same page, Tihn!
ReplyDeleteEven though Christianity, Judaism and Islam seems to actively condem homosexuality as a whole, I have come across many religious individuals who bought more into the tolerance that their religion advocated than the persecutory, medieval, belligerant aspects that the Book-wielding control-freaks seem/seemed to be about. Religion is a powerful phenomenom, the most powerful until television came along. And, as we all know, power corrupts (which is why so much on tv sucks so profoundly). But, as an agnostic, I cannot point to a truly great agnostic human being. The greatest humans always had a faith, The best Singer always had a Song. Mandela, King, Jesus, Mohammed.
ReplyDeleteWe Agnostics had literally nothing to sing about. We don't have a book. (Origin of the Species is for everyone).
I think THE clue is humility. The way. And I really like the gentle way that you behave on your page Doug. It is so enlightened. You are a light in a sometimes darkened world.
But agnostics have written some really good books, Oakie. I read one a while back and found it quite interesting and profound. I have to admit the author (Michael Krasney) is a guy I listened on the radio when I lived in California. I thought he was the best radio journalist on the air, so I'm a bit biased, I don't even know if the book is available in the UK, but you can get the gist of where Mr. Krasney went with his story and his thoughts on agnosticism here:
Thanks, Oakie, for your kind remarks. It helps me to have so many thoughtful and understanding friends here on Multiply, especially when I fall well short of being a person on the path of humility.
I can't believe that issues that relate to gay marriage, religion, and abortion are of any political import at all, Doug. The country should be concerning itself with corporate/banking control and manipulation of a corrupt government and an economy that isn't going to recover save in a limited number of areas. The good ship America is sinking while idiots argue over whether or not to serve cracked oysters at dinner.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree Stephen. Totally.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!
Thanks Doug. Had to answer this one.