'Naked Lady' will abide by parade ban
Declaring that she is standing up for individual liberty on Independence Day, near-nude rollerblader Jen Moss says she will go topless wearing a G-string and the crown of Lady Liberty at Ashland's Fourth of July parade, but will stay on sidewalks and other areas where she isn't banned.
The Ashland Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the annual parade, has received overwhelming support for its decision not to approve Moss' application to participate, said chamber spokeswoman Katharine Flanagan.
The chamber's parade permit gives it control of Main Street, Siskiyou Boulevard and the Plaza from curb-to-curb, but not the sidewalk, cross streets and the after-parade festivities on Winburn Way, said Chamber Executive Director Sandra Slattery.
If Moss, known as "The Naked Lady," enters the parade route in any state of nudity that would offend a family audience, she will be asked to leave, and if she doesn't leave, the police will be informed, Flanagan said.
Ashland city ordinances allow nudity anywhere in town, but genitalia must be covered in city parks and the downtown commercial district. Since exposed female breasts are legal everywhere in town, Moss said she plans to go topless on the Fourth of July. Typically, Moss rollerblades or bikes in pasties and a hemp G-string.
Moss said she plans to contact the American Civil Liberties Union in hopes of filing suit against the Ashland chamber for what she sees as discrimination, based on her beliefs about freedom of expression and dress.
"I will sue them to the greatest extent I can," Moss said.
The chamber allows entries with controversial political views. But after consulting its attorney, Allen Drescher, the chamber denied Moss' application because nudity is inappropriate for the parade's "positive, family-friendly theme," Flanagan said.
ACLU Executive Director David Fidanque, reached at the organization's Portland office, said because the chamber receives money from the city, it may be an "actor of the government" and thus required to comply with the Constitution and "wouldn't be able to decide who's in the parade."
Now I'm all for free speech, but there should also be standards protecting children from lewd behavior and skateboarding exhibitionists seem to fit that catagory in my humble opinion. A parade is not a strip act and upper full-front female nudity would seem to be crossing the line, at least in Ashland. Ms. Jen Moss has already been told by the local authorities she could no longer perform her "act" on a bike around Ojai, California, so she is relocated up here because of the more tolerent enviroment.
And although upper body nudity is technicaly legal in the city limits, I have yet to see or hear of any women who exercise their right to go about their business topless.
Might I suggest you find another form of parade dress, and stick to the nude thing in your own house or backyard, milady.
She could join a "Boobs Not Bombs" group and hit the anti war rallies, but I am sure she doesn't really have an agenda except "Look at my tits!"
ReplyDeletewell, i don't know. yeah, she probably is just an exhibitionist, but she could still be doing some good for our collective weirdness. maybe it offends lots of people, but look at the TV and anywhere else--female breasts on display anywhere. the same folks that lust after to see them would fall down, curl up and die if the saw a man's ass. myself, i'd rather see a man's ass than a girl's tits, but "they" sure aint asking my opinion nor catering to my tastes. maybe if this country wasn't so titty obsessed it wouldn't be such a big deal. I don't really see a child being traumatised for life by it--they are just baby-feeding devices anyhow, all part of nature or that is how they should be looked at. Demystification might be a good thing for lots of folks.
ReplyDeleteAs long as she has insurance to pay for the skin cancer, and isn't going to shove it off on taxpayers, eh?
Gosh. Well.
ReplyDeleteWhile, I too am all for freedom of speech, I would be a little shocked to see her in a parade. I think it is good that she was asked to not be on the parade path. You do have to wonder why people need to make such a point over expressing their rights, especially when it is in such a blatant way....
whatever happened to the "indecent exposure" law?!
ReplyDeleteDoug I am surprised you do not allow dikes on your sight. Are you not worried about the ACLU petitioning your site?
ReplyDeleteAs far as the semi full nudity goes. There is nothing dirty about seeing a naked body. We are all born naked. It is natural as can be. I do not personally walk about the town naked. That is my preference. If she wants to draw attention to herself by showing her breasts that is hers. It is not against the law in that town. No one is going to get hurt. She is happy. There will a few young lads who will be happy. I am sure an old man or two will be ecstatic. She is not going to perform a sex act on a minor.
To quote William Shakespeare this is "much ado about nothing".
With all due respect, crabby, I wouldn't want my young children viewing her naked body. I teach modesty. There is a time and place for everything. A pubkic national celebration for families is not the place. As far as the ACLU, they're a joke.
ReplyDeleteThat is what makes America great. We are allowed to disagree. I am not promoting public nudity (well maybe depending on who is nude) but she is within the law. It may not be in good taste but it is not illegal. They are imposing a special law. What happens when they start posting laws because someones finds that reading is offensive? Yes it is an outlandish argument but it has happened in other places in the world.
ReplyDeleteI have kids as well. I would not go if I knew she was there. We have plenty of things to do on Fourth of July.
As far the ACLU comment it was made to Doug with tongue firmly planted on cheek. Doug and I go way back (almost a year).
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I am a little ambivalent. They have a boobs on bikes parade through Auckland streets (I live nowhere near Auckland and personally I wouldn't go to see it), but people seemed to have survived it ok.
Over in Sydney they have a gay parade which seems to encompass all kinds of whackiness but of course you can choose not to take your family along to either of these events and you know what to expect after all.
I think mostly I am wishing my body was still young and sexy like hers lol... aah well...
I think it is absolutely disgusting.....keeping half her bikini on is simply beyond the pale. An utter disgrace!
ReplyDeleteAshland should have a nude carnival, it's only a matter of getting use to it really. Then mestarr could travel hundreds of miles to enjoy some male buttocks and everyone would be happy.
I'd do my best to get there as well, I think a lot of people would.
Then again I think the 'trooping of the colour' on the Queen's birthday should be entirely nude as well, I would even watch it on tv if it was.
I think there should be a day every year when the head of state has to addess the nation naked.
The young lady in question here is certainly deserving of censure I think Doug
My suspicions as well, and quite a few men and women who have written to the local paper feel much the same way.
ReplyDeleteI guess in Germany and Scandinivian counties nudity is no big deal, but in America we still aren't past the demyification point---well, I'm not. The point of the Fourth of July is that this is a family-oriented parade, with a lot of adults who don't want their kids to see a naked woman. I know its rather a first amendment issue, but I believe this is the wrong venue.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I think. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd, as you stated, isn't there another way to draw attention, something involving...words on a sign or a banner? I'm guessing the First Amendment was more about words than exposure back in Revolutionary Days.
The local city council made it gender-neutral.
ReplyDeleteWell, if it was a sponteneous breastfeeding issue, I would guess most people over here would be okay about it. It's the direct intent to expose oneself and the exhibitionism that is controversial. The gay parades have never featured any nudity and still they make a good point about tolerance without shedding clothes.
ReplyDeleteIf "Boobs on Bikes" in Aukland is advertised as strictly such, I guess no one could complain they were seeing something they weren't intending to see. I think the issue is that its an Independence Day parade and its supposed to be family-friendly. If this lady wants to have a "topless" Nudity Day in part of the city park or something, that to me is a more defensible matter.
I gathered you were pulling my leg, Fred, so no problem there. And yes, Jen Moss is within the law as it was originally written. I just don't think the parade organizers should have someone that visually disruptive for so many people in this particular parade.
ReplyDeleteGranted, it's not an easy call, which is why I had to think about this one awhile before I posted this. It's gathered a lot of attention statewide and I'm sure nationwide soon--which is what this lady seems to want more than any statement about hemp or whatever she's promoting as a "front" issue.
Always thinking about the welfare of others, AA. Wow! You are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not something I would have seen in the areas of the country I have lived, midwest, deep south, even here . I guess it would not be quite as bad if she was attractive LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteI've attended very conservative parades in spots like semi-Southern Naples, Florida, and, no, I don't see this lady's routine going over down there. As a borderline-gentleman, it's perhaps best for me to let the ladies express opinions on Ms. Moss' aesthetic appeal.
ReplyDeleteYou are becoming awfully politically correct these days.
ReplyDeleteBeing pc is better than speaking about women's bodies as though they are objects. How women's bodies are viewed is an interesting subject and has been a focus for me this weekend between this blog and another discussion elsewhere so I have spent some time thinking on it.
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't mind a longish comment here.
The other discussion is centred around the "headshot" of one of my other contacts which is a sample of body art by a very well known Australian body artist Rudi Everts. In a group post, two American women who are very likely not familiar with Rudi's work, suddenly objected to it giving rise to an interesting discussion.
I don't see my friend's headshot as indecent. Its a statuesque body fully covered in paint. It would not be a problem to me if any child of mine at the age of 13 looked at it (the youngest age that someone is allowed to hold a Multiply account). It is no more indecent than some old "classical paintings", the difference being that the paint is on skin instead of an easel and, dare I say it, the body art has more dignity.
So back to the discussion here. I look again at the photo above and I am thinking its just a natural woman's body, perhaps unclothed in a place where normally people wear a little more (although in summer, maybe not much more). It is probably less "seductive" than a woman in a bikini on the beach where the bikini costume is designed (usually) to titillate men. It is certainly much less seductive than the kinds of images of women in many magazines or on tv.
So what I think is this. While I would be startled at the unusual sight of an unclothed woman riding a skateboard or whatever in a "family" parade I would not feel the need to cover my children's eyes so to speak. Undressed and without "seductive" clothing I do not find the sight offensive.
Thanks Doug for an interesting post.
I just don't want to get this blog entry too off the topic of "freedom of expression" by turning this into a male-female debate. (Not that you would go there, Fred, but I could see I could make a remark and spark a fuss.) I mean, this cloud be a "Naked Guy" situation and the debate would be the same.
ReplyDeleteAll good points, Iri Ani. When I think of a woman wearing "pasties" I'm reminded of strip clubs, where children are not allowed to enter, but I realize that's what I happen to bring to it.
ReplyDeleteHaving only been a part-time step parent, I'm perhaps a little more protective about "exposing" kids to something full-time parents might see as no more harmful than what television programs and billboard ads bring to the kids' eyes and senses every day.
Just stopped by via Iri's post.
I find it interesting that the local authorities in your area would grant a permit to a group that endorses legalising pot yet denies a semi nude entrant. I personally think as a parent I would rather allow my children to see nudity than drug promotion at this type of event.
Don't get me wrong...I'm not a prude, I did my fair share of flashing in my biker daze, but still, little kids should see clowns making balloon animals and not rollerblading, not really all that great of a body, semi nude chick excercising her constitutional right to bare her stuff, exploit the shock value of free speach in a public place, and the marketing genius to make the news in a trainwreck kind of way.....I'm just saying ;)
ReplyDeleteI can understand that, Angie. Now that I think about it, the "legal pot' banner I saw about five years ago was a small thing on the back of a VW and might or might not have been part of the "official" entry.
ReplyDeleteAshland has a reputation for being a "hippie town" among more staid communities nearby like Medford. According to old-time residents I've talked to, that counter culture distinction really went by the wayside in the Seventies with Ashland's "discovery" as an attractive place to live.
I think the "drug of choice" around here in the last twenty years has been Real Estate, peddled by licensed brokers using--up til recently-- inflated prices.
Lest anyone get the wrong idea, marijuana possession will get you in trouble here.
Which is pretty much what I was trying to say, only you did it in fewer words.
ReplyDeleteLOL...I was having a bit of a rough start this morning....sorry :)
ReplyDeleteDon't be sorry, I like people using my blog to vent a little. That's one of my main uses for having one.