Monday, June 2, 2008

Politics, American Style-- THE CANDIDATE (1972)-Robert Redford, Peter Boyle, Michael Ritchie, director

Her's another film from 1972 I enjoyed which might even be very relevant today in light of the endless campaign machinations of Senators Obama and Clinton. It's the trailer for the 1972 political drama, The Candidate, starring Robert Redford as Bill McKay. The actor plays a young offspring of a famous father who is talked into running for governor of California. The film is one I haven't seen in full in a while but I've seen it enough in the past to recall often how much the material in this film matches up well with the inside stories I've read on campaign manipulation of the voting public.

It's one of the smartest political films ever made--in part because its not an "us vs. them" story but raises questions about the very nature of "democracy" and how a inexperienced non-incumbent candidate would actually go about getting elected--and then the price he or now she could pay in personal compromise to his family and his core beliefs.

It's also very funny in parts, as some of this trailer shows. I love the scene where Redford is in the back of a limo and starts acting the fool--it has the ring of truth to it.

I always thought this film might have been inspired by "The Selling of A President", a 1969 or 70 book by Joe McGiness about the repackaging of Richard Nixon as "The New Nixon" in the turbulent 1968 campaign. The book and the film do have a similar philosophy

Redford, who also co-produced the film, has talked for years about a possible sequel to the film, with McKay as an old political warhorse. But this one tells you a lot about American politics even today I'll bet--only the media and the money amounts have changed.


  1. I liked that clip Doug it made me think in particular about Obama. This film should be shown in all schools I think as an insight into US politics and the media, all the hype and utter absence of democracy.
    Also for some reason I now have an 'ear worm' playing in my head of Bob Dylan's 'It's Alright Ma/ I'm Only Bleeding'...especially the verse that goes:-

    Old lady judges watch people in pairs
    Limited in sex, they dare
    To push fake morals, insult and stare
    While money doesn't talk, it swears
    Obscenity, who really cares
    Propaganda, all is phony.

    It seems to me that this film suggests that the US doesn't really have an electorate which has been replaced by political "groupies". In that sense I think that the American political system must be classified as a sort of charismatic dictatorship and certainly not a democracy in any meaningful sense of that term.

  2. I am going to add it to my must-see list. Thanks

  3. I must have been picking up on that Transatlantic brainwave because that is exactly what I thought--this film should be seen in schools, even in places like Israel or parts of Europe where American-style multi-media and big money-driven campaigns have taken root.

    "Charismatic dictatorships"! I was taught in school that that phenomenon was a big problem in Latin America--"Personalismo" they call it in Spanish I believe . Maybe our teachers and professors should have applied it closer to home.

    Dylan--damn, quite the poet.

  4. You're welcome. I going to see it again tonight if its available to rent.

  5. Thanks to liberals, there are public libraries that you can borrow the movies as well as books and (at least in my city library) the selection of movies are many MANY more than Corporate owned Rentals.

  6. I do not think I have ever seen this movie. I will also add it to my must see list. The clip was interesting.

  7. I'm very lucky that the town I live in is a university town and thus a lot of video/DVD material is available for checkout. We had to close the libraries in Jackson County (OR) a year or so back. Now, thanks to having both civic and county funding the local library is even open for a few hours on Sunday. (Alltoough not, alas, on Friday which is my frequent day-off.) Still, yes, two cheers for liberals.

  8. With your interest in politics and history, I don't think you'll be disappointed Fred.

  9. Now all I have to do is find some time to sit down and enjoy it.
    It seems I have been either full speed or a sleep( not getting a lot of sleep either)
    Hopefully I will get a chance to relax this week.
    Probably not
