Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Reposted: Total Truth TV Public Information Department: - Stop SOPA - The Corporations want your soul, don't let them have it!

Something to be aware of  if you use material from other websites online, of surf the web for that matter.  This bill has more opponents, right and left,  to this "Stop Online Piracy Act" then just a pack of   "Internet Pirates".  


 Politicans opposed to SOPA (from Wikipedia):  

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has expressed opposition to the bill, as well as Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX), who joined nine Democrats to sign a letter to other House members warning that the bill would cause "an explosion of innovation-killing lawsuits and litigation."[80] "Issa said the legislation is beyond repair and must be rewritten from scratch," reported The Hill.[81] Issa and Lofgren have announced plans for legislation offering "a copyright enforcement process modeled after the U.S. International Trade Commission's (ITC) patent infringement investigations."[29]



Opponents of the bill include Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, LinkedIn, eBay, Mozilla Corporation, the Wikimedia Foundation,[82] and human rights organizations such as Reporters Without Borders,[83] the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the ACLU, and Human Rights Watch.[84][85]

On December 13, Julian Sanchez of the Libertarian think tank Cato Institute came out in strong opposition to the bill saying that while the amended version "trims or softens a few of the most egregious provisions of the original proposal...the fundamental problem with SOPA has never been these details; it’s the core idea. The core idea is still to create an Internet blacklist..."[86


  1. screw em...I’ll post whatever they put online

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this, AA.

  3. Until I can get Yahoo to answer & solve this for me, without charging $$$, I hope you'll all be posting the petitions. I can't access ANY link on my Yahoo email page. But I can on Multiply! How strange.

  4. I hope that clears up for you soon Lucija.
