Monday, January 21, 2008

La Mer. Charles Trénet

I don't know about you folks, but its cold around Oregon. 25 degrees here last night. And I know, it much worse in other places in North America. But I'm still cold in the mornings and I could use more sunshine.

The only great place to be right now is Honolulu, Hawaii, where it was 82 degrees yesterday. But that ain't happening.
I was looking out over the snow coming down in our backyard, like I was in a dacha near Moscow, and thought of this old French standard. It might make you feel a little warmer.


  1. It has been relatively cold here as well! We are due to see some warm weather this weekend. Thank you for reminding me there are warm days ahead! I did not realize you spoke Francais. Je parle Francais aussi.

  2. I didn't realize I spoke French either. Certainly I haven't said anything intelligent in French since the ninth grade. I know "La Mer" is "The Sea". Beyond that...

  3. I made an assumption when I heard the titlte of the song. My mistake. La Mer is is the sea.

  4. I love this song as well, thanks for posting it and reminding me how much!

  5. You're welcome. I thought it was a good point to do so.
